Available Puppies


Ally and Princton

f1b Micro Bernedoodles

15-30 lbs full grown



Princeton 10 Lb poodle


Ally F1 Bernedoodle 30 lbs

Standard Sheepadoodle puppies

There are 8 gorgeous puppies in this litter; 5 females, and 3 males born February 22. This is an exceptional and unique litter, consisting of both black and white, and brown and white puppies, with lovely markings throughout. 

As you may know, my mother (Willowrun Sheepadoodles) has recently retired, so I decided to breed her youngest dam, Noodle,  which resulted in this beautiful litter now available for reservation. 

We are calling this our “Easter Litter” as they will be available for their new homes on Easter weekend, April 19. The perfect time of the year to bring a new puppy home!

The price for this litter will be $2500. We will begin accepting initial deposits of $500 to reserve a spot in this litter immediately. The choice-of-puppies will be determined by the order that we receive reservations. 

If you are interested in reserving on of these fabulous Sheepadoodles, please begin by filling out an application on our website, followed by an email request. Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you!

Birdie and Princton F1 Micro Bernedoodles

Birdie Bernese Mt. Dog Female

Chrissy and Princton f1b Micro Bernedoodles 15-30 lbs full grown. Prices 2200-2500

Our Prices

Prices range from 2000-3000 depending on the breed, color and coat. Please see drop down menu for details on each breed.